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Replanted pot.

Replanted pot.

I had to take out a Heuchera which was very poorly. There was no sign of vine weevil, though.

Anyway, it was time for a change. There are tulips underneath the planting.

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Lovely. I was just looking at my little indoor cyclamen this morning, thinking I would put it into the garden, when it went dormant again, as 2nd year indoors & we don't have bad frosts in this area usually.

23 Sep, 2011


You're lucky, as I've told you before, Dwyllis. I love Cyclamen, and the Garden Centres are full of them at this time of year, but we do get frosts in the UK, and the poor plants collapse if it's a hard one. :-(

23 Sep, 2011


I've got a group of them in the garden, been there for years, but they are proper outside ones, very small (bought from Thompson and Morgan many years ago). They are slowly spreading but they flower without any leaves which look odd and the leaves come on later, when the flowers are fading, odd.

23 Sep, 2011


I wonder which variety they are? I have C. hederifolium which flowers now, and C. coum which flowers alongside the snowdrops. There are several more hardy ones, I know.

23 Sep, 2011


Erm, as I say they've been there years, the only thing I can remember is they were called Neopolitan or something similar (but maybe that was the colour). Ring any bells?

23 Sep, 2011


Nooooo...hold on, I'll look in my RHS book......

23 Sep, 2011


Back again - C. neapolitanum is the same as C. hederifolium! :-D)

23 Sep, 2011


... and are they described as small woodlands one Spritz?

23 Sep, 2011


Yes - they are indeed, at least the ones in my garden are! ;-)

24 Sep, 2011


So pretty Spritz

24 Sep, 2011


Thanks, Kath. :-))

24 Sep, 2011


love the little violas with them.
is that a cabbage in the front.

25 Sep, 2011


Yes, only the pot said it was a 'Kale'. It's just to make a change...I had one last year for the first time. Of course the first frost turned it to mush. :-((((

25 Sep, 2011

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