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DSC02124 Mixed Planting.

DSC02124 Mixed Planting.

Could I have some suggestions for a plant (Evergreen) to disguise the garden box,please.

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Yucca/s! It's got to be something like that! You could have a little group around the trachy!
You might have to move some other things, though...

26 Sep, 2011


I have yuckas, evergreen, hardy beautifull and lethal, my biggest one is named the BEAST :) If you use the box Meadowland i wouldnt plant a yucka there,you will be stabbed in the bum on a regular basis :)Maybe a Fatsia, evergreen hardy and go's lovely with your trachy, it also takes a pruning well when it gets too big, A red acer would look fantastic but not evergreen, a nice high backed garden bench, tall red colour grass, A start for you Meadowland :))

26 Sep, 2011


Cordyline yes, or purple Phormium, gets big..

26 Sep, 2011


Have a google Meadowland :)

26 Sep, 2011


Have a google Meadowland :)

26 Sep, 2011


Agree with Youngdaisy .... yucca might make access a bit tricky. A Fatsia would be lovely. It would spread out to hide that box & look great & would go well with your other plantings nearby. And it's evergreen. Not sure though if it is Hardy?

26 Sep, 2011


Very hardy, i have one, Get it out the pot and into the ground Meadowland :) it will romp away there..

26 Sep, 2011


I thought Fatsia...would look great next to the palm/cordyline.

26 Sep, 2011


I've never heard of Pink marble photinia. Sounds very pretty. Does anyone have a pic of it in their albums? Otherwise will google it.

26 Sep, 2011


Thanks. will check it out & see if available in NZ yet. Sounds very interesting.

26 Sep, 2011


Hi J,
This is the type of dilemma I love about gardening...what to plant.? many choices and in the end it all comes down to personal taste. Thats if the soil the aspect, the rain everything else is willing to co-operate! I am so sad I lay in bed at night dreaming about this kind of thing!!! If this were my garden, I would like to see something purple, to echo the purple plants on the left and bring the eye around and also something spiky to compliment the beautiful trachycarpus and bring the eye down. I don't think you need to completely obscure the seat from view, just take the eye away from it by providing something to act as a focal point. You could then add pots into the planting to give interest through the year. A good combination may be purple leaved phormium, with pots of lilies in the summer and nerines in the autumn, spring bulbs ....the list is endless. Sorry I have gone on a bit, hope this contributes rather than confuses.

27 Sep, 2011

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