fancy a drink 001
By Nannydodo
- 29 Sep, 2011
Comments on this photo
we dont spend a lot of time out there,apart from when i sit and read....i cant do much,arthritis.....hubby cuts the lawn,and any cutting down etc....i find the more plants planted,less room for the weeds.We (hubby)lol,will be having a shift about out there in the next couple of weeks.(if i can get his nose out of a book)....It was our 50th wedding anniversary on Friday,and all the children(3),and their children(5 in total)descended on us....It was lovely...But hubby wasn't too pleased with the tyre marks on the front lawn...
3 Oct, 2011
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Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
17 Aug, 2011
Looks beautiful n weed free, how do you do it n how much time do you spend working on it
2 Oct, 2011