By Linsuffolk
- 15 Oct, 2011
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Me too HB, I'm definately not a cold weather person. We have had really awful strong winds the last few days, it's an effort to walk out in it. I never ventured into the garden today to do planting...Brrr...too cold!
24 Oct, 2011
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Thanks HB, this was taken earlier in the year.we had quite a nasty frost last night, and they've forcast frost again tonight, but not quite as hard. Brrrrrh.!! I've got to go and leave some dinner out for the little hedgehog that's been coming in. I've turned a large bucket on its side and put a dish of dinner inside it, so that if it rains the dish doesn't fill up with rainwater.....and its worked. He/She even did its "business" in the bucket, so I had to go and start 'Mucking Out'!!!!!!!!!!! that'll teach me!
20 Oct, 2011