Can anyone tell us what is wrong with these broad beans, we have not had a frost and the end of the leafs have gone black at the tips,
By Yorkshire

17 Oct, 2011
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thanks for that Mot, it has been very wet and cold, the end of the leafs look like they are burnt,
17 Oct, 2011
how cold did it get Yorkshire as that does look like cold burns.. if it's quite cold and it gets the morning sun it will burn the tips/edges of the leaves where it's damp..
17 Oct, 2011
it dropped quite cold S/L, bloomer lives over the hill and she said she had a slight frost one morning, we thought they would be o.k. outside until we get them planted but it does'nt look so, thank you,
17 Oct, 2011
Glad you said LIVES over the hill,Yorkshire and not IS.!Lol.
Sorry about your beans,but it looks like they have been caught out..they may come through ok..can I hear them singing" I will survive" ? :o))
18 Oct, 2011
mad as a march hare bloomer, but I love you, Lol
18 Oct, 2011
I know,Yorkshire..but a happy march Hare ! I am quite emotionally attached to you too !!'s that for posh , on t'other side of t'hill ? LOl.
18 Oct, 2011
Lol it just gets worse, very posh for a yorkshire lass.
19 Oct, 2011
I do try sometimes,Yorkshire....but it's not really me,is it? Lol...
19 Oct, 2011
no its not bloomer, but you give me a laugh, how's weather over the hill then, " Cold "
19 Oct, 2011
It's been a nice sunny day,but cold..and tonight looks set to be very no like ..or drawing the curtains earlier either !! it makes it feel such a long evening..yawn,boring !
19 Oct, 2011
You incorrigible pair! We were sat out on the terrace this morning drinking tea..cardi weather with the breeze but my thermometer says 19 deg!
24 Oct, 2011
Incorrigible? us? How right you are,Tet..It has been a lovely weekend here,but a bit dull this morning...not sitting out weather today..just rub it in,why don't you ? Lol...I will think of you,next week,..hope you are still able to sit we will be..hopefully :o))
24 Oct, 2011
Well Im not crowing too much, forecast LOTS of rain this afternoon, which is most welcome and saves a lot of watering!
24 Oct, 2011
nice weather here you two, wind is a bit chilly but back door open, yesterday was nice nice, my sister-in-laws grand kids were out playing in the garden with no tops on,
24 Oct, 2011
We are supposed to get rain tomorrow,Tet,and the gardens need some now...Hope you didn't go topless as well,Yorkshire ! I know it's said,'if you can't beat em,join em'.! Lol
24 Oct, 2011
Tut! Yorkie bin beatin' her grankids agin???
24 Oct, 2011
Looks like it,Tet..let's see what comment we get ! :o)
24 Oct, 2011
Hey you two, did I say my grand kids, No I said my sister-in-laws grand kids, now say sorry to Valerie,
25 Oct, 2011
Yorkie, did I say you had beaten your grandkids? Only asked! And the next thing I know you are up on your hind legs, quivering with indignation like an outraged rabbit!! But if only an apology will do, I give it unreservedly...Thumper! LOL!
25 Oct, 2011
Not good enough Thumper, say sorry to Valerie before I forgive you, and please stop using such big words,
25 Oct, 2011
Ok..sorry Thumper Valerie...Mwah! (Stop twitching your nose at me!)
25 Oct, 2011
I could be the big bad wolf and given the chance I would eat you all up just for your cheek, what have I done to deserve you I ask myself,
25 Oct, 2011
I'm seriously thinking about putting you up for adoption/ auction my Dear, either someone can have you free of charge or I might let you go to someone who will give me some seeds or a free plant, what do you think to that then, !!!
25 Oct, 2011
People dont always get what they deserve you know - just think how lucky YOU are! "You got me Babe" lol!
25 Oct, 2011
Oh for god sake where have you popped up from yet again, they say no peace for the wicked, I must be a right old B----r
25 Oct, 2011
Ah, but a dear, outraged rabbit of an old B----r! lol!
25 Oct, 2011
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29 Mar, 2008
Yorkshire...I was just reading, wet weather can cause 'chocolate spot on Autumn sown b beans?...Someone else suggested, cold can cause blackening of the leaf edges?.....
17 Oct, 2011