Weigela florida 'Nana Variegata'
By Troddles

24 Oct, 2011
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I've got them in soak at the moment and will plant them tomorrow. Looks very windy in the UK at the moment, we come from Devon and they are getting flooded out as well as gale force winds! No weather for gardeners :-)
24 Oct, 2011
Quite right Troddles, I stayed indoors all day, it's been horrible lately...but then it's been horrible for about a year now! ;)))
24 Oct, 2011
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This photo is of "Weigela florida 'Nana Variegata'" in Troddles's garden
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9 Aug, 2009
Three nice shrubs Troddles! I have a clematis in my car, but it's so windy I don't want to go out and plant it!
24 Oct, 2011