Streptocarpus -101011

22 Nov, 2011
The same plant 4 months later. Always in full bloom!
Comments on this photo
Wonderful Hilda, it must be happy there.
22 Nov, 2011
Really lovely Hilda. I think I might have one of these for my conservatory...they are very pretty. :)
27 Nov, 2011
Hi Karensusan,
They are really easy to propagate, just take a cutting and put it into some soil. That's how I got mine, from small cuttings.
Hope you'll find a 'mother plant' somewhere ;-)
29 Nov, 2011
Thank you Hilda. I've seen these in GC here, but I really want one that I saw at of the new bicoloured and cream it is, but I can't remember the name. I'll probably get it mail order. :)
29 Nov, 2011
Hi Karen,
I found this by googling:
Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Blue' submitted by Dibley's nurseries at CFS 2010 ;-)
Hilda ;-)
29 Nov, 2011
YES!!! That's it Hilda! :))))
8 Dec, 2011
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Wow....Beautiful Hilda....
22 Nov, 2011