New addition....Dianthus 'Red Dwarf'
By Karensusan63

1 Dec, 2011
Comments on this photo
Yes, thank you both. I'm using it to replace some violets that were running amock!
2 Dec, 2011
Is this a current photo, Karensusan? I bought a load of these (or something very similar) for a few pennies each back in September to fill some gaps in the border with a bit of colour, and every plant still seems to be growing away happily, despite nighttime frosts. Are they supposed to be hardy, do you know? I wasn't expecting them to last for more than a month or so. Such pretty colours and I love the scent. Mind you, yesterday, as I came down the steps past where I have put all my containers to shelter them through the winter, I got great waves of perfume from my white trailing carnations, which I had trimmed back quite hard, and saw to my delight that they have all burst into bloom again. That's why I was out with a watering can.
4 Dec, 2011
How lovely Gattina!! Yes, this is a hardy one and I bought it this week, in flower at the GC on the Alpine table. I don't grow many of them because I find the glaucous foliage quite difficult to blend into my mixed borders, but the scent is absolutely unique isn't it! I know they are very easy to propogate, but I'm not sure about hardiness....I think these kinds are all hardy perennials. Some kinds of dianthus are annuals...'sweet williams' spring to mind. I hope you continue to enjoy yours for a while....we had a flurry of snow here today and the first serious frost....winter is here!
4 Dec, 2011
Oh my! You poor things! Snow already? I suppose if you insist on living so far north in uncharted territory......... I'm going to be unbearable now and gloat a bit - It's a GLORIOUS, warmish day here, and I'm off out in bit to hang out my washing, do a bit of digging and move my Michaelmas daisies up the garden. If these Red Dwarfs are indeed hardy, I think I might find a more permanent place for them next spring in and around the rockery. That way we can enjoy the scent each time we go to fetch the post. Lovely! What a nice bonus. Thanks for that KS.
4 Dec, 2011
:) You're welcome. It was only a little flurry, we have wonderful sunshine now...but it is cold...brrrr! Enjoy your lovely mild days!
4 Dec, 2011
Oh Dear! Now I feel very mean about what I wrote earlier. I've managed to get quite a lot done in the garden this afternoon, and got two big loads of washing dry, too, but there's always more you need to get done, isn't there? OH has just been watching the BBC news and came out into the garden with a cuppa tea & the news that parts of the UK have had 2" of snow. He was very positive though - "Remind your friends" he said "That it's only another fortnight until the days start getting longer!" Isn't that a cheering thought?
Take care of yourselves and stay warm.
p.s. we have violets flowering under the cherry tree, and primroses with buds on.
4 Dec, 2011
Oh no, don't feel's lovely that you are enjoying the warmth...I do love living in Scotland...after all, if I didn't I would move! :))
4 Dec, 2011
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Lovely colours
2 Dec, 2011