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Wisteria  (wisteria)

Best its ever been

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2 Dec, 2011


Had mine for six years...wonder if it will flower next spring...? :)

4 Dec, 2011


Brilliant display.

18 Jul, 2018


Hi 3P

This has since died , just gave up the ghost I havnt a clue why .... gutted was not the word as I had a while in a barrel then moved house and planted in the border , I think the winter of 2011/12 TOOK ITS TOLL.


19 Jul, 2018


Thats such a shame you ve lost it some times I wonder what government release and stiĺl do on us affects the plants . Was this one a tree or did you let it go like a vine.

19 Jul, 2018


It was the size of a twig when I bought it

dont know what you breathing in anymore so many people with asthma


19 Jul, 2018


All that care from a twig then you loose it so sad really.

I know what I am breathing in our council put in the Coventry Telegraph two days after I placed a link (The lies about unleaded petrol) on a local Historic site where councilors go on lol they placed it in our local paper we are breathing in toxic fumes no schools playgrounds hospitals care homes to be built near main roads hence why we have built the first electric car here. Electric cars were built decades ago by General Electrics but the oil companys influencing government in the usa stopped them all the cars were distroyed.

19 Jul, 2018

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