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Spring flush

Spring flush (streptocarpella)

My concord blue, I now know. :-) From investigating, seems this one can really get huge. I am so thrilled to have one!

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The flowers look like Streptocarpus, but I'm not sure because I don't recognise the leaves.

18 Jun, 2008


Blodyn, you've done it. That is exactly what it is! Streptocarpella saxorum! It's difference from streptocarpus is the leaves and trailing habit. Still Gesnariad family. Thank you so much. Now I've seen some amazing examples as well.

18 Jun, 2008


Wow, Greenthumb. I have this plant and I have it in a hanging basket that has really bad soil. I always forgot to water it and it it's not dead but it looks pretty bad. I bought it because I loved the flowers(reminded me of Streptocarpus) and it hasn't flowered for me. I just watered it this morning, and thought I need to do something with you... Any reccomendations? Yours is lovely.

3 Jul, 2008


I love that shade of blue, it's so hard to find. What is the plant with the large, almost white leaves with specks of green. I love anything variegated !

3 Jul, 2008


Well, Tasteyg, I'd mix in some peat to help moisture retention and add some nutrients. I've never fed mine. I treat it like my african violets, no direct light, lots of indirect, and usually no drying out. I was hard on mine the first few years as well. Bloomed about five years later.

My variegate is a pothos. I'd never seen a white one and took a cutting immediately. Took a long time to establish, this is just one little vine. Years to go to really get a nice plant out of it I think. The mother was small too, in a greenhouse, this variety grows very slowly, especially compared to other pothos.

3 Jul, 2008


Thanks for the recommendation, Greenthumb :) I transplanted it into a new pot with a special African Violet mix. I hope that it gets as happy as yours.

9 Jul, 2008

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This photo is of species streptocarpella.

This photo is of "Streptocarpella 'concord blue'" in Greenthumb's garden

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