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Leucojum Aestivum (Giant Snowdrop)

Leucojum Aestivum (Giant Snowdrop) (Leucojum Aestivum)

Snowdrop type flowers but later when growing in the garden. Ht. 30 - 40cm and Spr. 5-10cm. Bought as bulbs growing in a pot which I decided to keep indoors as it was not weather to plant anything out.

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Love snowdrops. I have some planted along the back fence, but off course as its summer over my way, they are now long gone. So pretty.

9 Feb, 2012


This is another plant which seems to be mis named. True snowdrops are Galanthus. Other common names for this one are Loddon Lily, Devon Snowflake, St Agnew flower and St George's Violet. It is possible that 'Loddon lily' is an old name that was current before Linnaeus called the plant 'Leucojum aestivum' in 1759. According to Mariette Manktelow at the University of Uppsala in Sweden, who is a leading expert on Linnaeus, he probably named the summer snowflake 'aestivum' because, with them, it flowers in May and June and later than the spring snowflake which is out in April and May." The spring snowflake is also known as St. Josephs Bells or Leucojum Vernum. You will notice in the photo above that one of the flowers is opening upwards. They all do that and then droop. Almost raising their heads to the sun before getting on with life. I will be interested to see when it flowers when it is in the garden.

10 Feb, 2012

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This photo is of "Leucojum Aestivum (Giant Snowdrop) " in Scotsgran's garden

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