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Strelizia - Bird of Paradise

Strelizia - Bird of Paradise

This has been in flower since Christmas! Wish they would flower during the summer months when I can sit and gaze at them when I've nothing else to do! P.S. They grow in my unheated conservatory!

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Lovely photo PT. That flower looks perfect. You should put another one on showing how large that plant is. Its impressive. :)))

16 Mar, 2012


Thanks Poppy! Only one flower open at the moment - there's a couple of other buds waiting though!

16 Mar, 2012


My flower spike just stalled over the darkest months but has a real spurt on again.

16 Mar, 2012


So they have spurted into life before you move! Any idea's why mine should flower at this time of year Meanie?

16 Mar, 2012


I was starting to fret when it stopped growing, but it's growing rapidly again so life is cool! I'm chuffed, as I grew it from seed.

Milky's has bloomed all winter in her greenhouse, so they seem to like it!

16 Mar, 2012


Tracey, this is very beautiful! This is relative of the birds of paradise plant, and it this is one of a kind ! very beautiful combination!

20 Mar, 2012


Thank you Junna. I'm really proud of this plant. In fact I've got two! This one is on the shadier side of the conservatory, the other one is a better shape and is in a sunnier spot. It has a bud about to open now too!

20 Mar, 2012

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