Chaenomeles japonica
By Cedille

19 Mar, 2012
Chaenomeles japonica growing as a bonsai
Comments on this photo
Welcome to GoY!
Ooh, I think this plant is going to have it's fans :)
19 Mar, 2012
Thanks for the warm welcome! I instantly fell in love when I saw this plant at a florist (Aflorum) on Caledonia road , I just had to have it, I had never seen it as a bonsai! The florist said they had spotted it at the back of the flying Dutchman truck and jumped on the 2 he had. She bought the one left for herself :)
19 Mar, 2012
What a coup! The trunk to canopy proportions are perfect.
19 Mar, 2012
... and a big welcome from me too! Lovely specimen there
19 Mar, 2012
19 Mar, 2012
That looks beautiful Cedille, I wonder what else can be bonsaid? that looks wrong, I wonder if it is a word? Welcome to GOY from me too:-))
20 Mar, 2012
Thanks for making me feel so welcome! I don't think bonsaid is a work though, however bonsai is ;) I think the beauty of the ancestral art is that pretty much anything that has a woody stem and bark can be turned as a bonsai, providing you have the skills to make it last! I am afraid I don't though!
20 Mar, 2012
It would definitely be worth asking a bonsai expert the best tips Cedile. The hard part may be done with yours, just the best way to keep it happy. Oh and obviously be careful in droughts, next door went on holiday last year and lost several of their son's pine bonsai.
Not teaching you to suck eggs though ;))))
20 Mar, 2012
I love these but never seen one grown like that..
21 Mar, 2012
Oh I am no expert in bonsai Severnside :) I have read about it though, and it seems that this one should be cut back to the desired shape after flowering. Watering is going to be a problem when I am away, but hopefully my lovely neighbours should pitch in!
21 Mar, 2012
Sheilabub on here has some bonsai and knows a bit about them.
21 Mar, 2012
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that is brilliant! what a beautiful plant
welcome to GoY!!
19 Mar, 2012