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Pieris - Forest Flame

Pieris - Forest Flame

Mountain Fire new this week, Forest Flame bought last year I am really pleased with them both but a bit confused that they look the same maybe they will be different when they mature.

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There is a slight difference in the shape and hue of the leaves mum. First one's leaves are broader and darker I think.

3 Apr, 2012


yes Karen think now I have seen the photo's side by side I can see they are slightly different, leaves and shade of red are different, they are pretty aren't they. The one I bought last year is really filling out now.

3 Apr, 2012


Yes, I only have the variegated one now and the one with the red flowers....I used to have 'forest flame' at my old garden. They are very useful shrubs for winter colour and they soon achieve a decent size.

3 Apr, 2012


Good to here that they grow quickly. :o)

3 Apr, 2012

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