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New area, pic 1

New area, pic 1

We have created a new area at the end of our garden, put up a small deck and added/moved some plants. I have also attempted to create an arch that still needs a little work.

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wow! so neat and tidy!!
love the pebbles and the wooden path, that jasmine will be lovely

6 Apr, 2012


Thanks Stickitoffee, not sure if I should plant the jasmine in the ground or leave in a pot? Any ideas??

6 Apr, 2012


Most are pretty rampant in the ground

6 Apr, 2012


Looks great

6 Apr, 2012


mine died in the ground!
sounds like its better off in the pot!!

6 Apr, 2012


I'll be really interested to see how you get on with your jasmine Stephen. I've always wondered how well they will do in the North. I am experimenting with an evergreen one....J. humile 'Revolutum' which has yellow flowers. When I bought it it looked almost dead and I put in a pot and nurtured it back to life. It grew so well (in a very sheltered spot) that eventually it had to go in the ground, so now I am wondering how well it will cope with the winters, but so far so good....and it is definitely growing again this spring! :)))) Nice corner btw! I'm guessing you have a new-build like us there? Great to have a blank canvas isn't it? :)

8 Apr, 2012

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