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Dierama mossii

Dierama mossii

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Flowering already?!

10 Apr, 2012


Ha ha ha - nooooo - I was just tidying it up, found the label, found this photo and thought I'd update! Hope it flowers this year, it looks a bit sad!!

12 Apr, 2012


Mine ain't looking great either!

12 Apr, 2012


The other one (latifolium, I think) hasn't flowered for years and just has less and less foliage each year - I'm on clay though and it's shaded a bit by a tree paeony. Keep thinking of moving it but scared of finishing it off - ha ha !!

13 Apr, 2012


A local nurseryman told me to keep them pot bound to promote blooms.............

13 Apr, 2012


Aaaah! - thank you - I may lift it and pot it up then, see if that helps it : )

14 Apr, 2012


Means that it can be moved easily too if the winter gets harsh.

14 Apr, 2012



15 Apr, 2012

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This photo is of "Dierama mossii" in Jayemsee's garden

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