The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

2011,sügis,Russula emetica,söögiseen


By Moonika

2011,sügis,Russula emetica,söögiseen

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Ilus pilt, Moonika - see ei tundu reaalne!

13 Apr, 2012


Kas oled proovinud seda seent?
Vajab keetmist,toorelt on mürgine,talvel purgist hea võtta...

13 Apr, 2012


Ma pole kunagi näinud 1 nagu seda enne, Moonika, ma ei julge süüa midagi nii tugevalt värvunud

13 Apr, 2012


Olen lapsest peale vanaemaga metsas käinud neid korjamas.Korjan ka vaid seeni,mida kindlalt tunnen,teisi ei puudugi,ei hakka eluga riskima :).Mu pere lemmikuks on kukeseen,Cantharellus cibarius,tõeliselt maitsev ja ilus erekollane seen.Igatsen juba metsaskäike...:)

13 Apr, 2012


"I've been to these woods since childhood grandmother korjamas.Korjan in the mushrooms, which I feel strongly, others do not demand exceeded the supply, not going to risk their lives :). My family's favorites are chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius, a truly delicious and a beautiful bright yellow seen.Igatsen moves in the woods .. . :)"

Make what you can from that, I would guess that what she's saying is that she used to go gathering mushrooms in the wood with her Grandmother. Not many people do it as they don't want to risk getting poisoned. Her family's favourites are chanterelles, a truly delicious and beautiful bright yellow mushroom. She misses going to the woods...

13 Apr, 2012

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