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African violets are looking mighty healthy but have not flowered. Any tips??


By Raquel

African violets are looking mighty healthy but have not flowered.  Any tips??

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I'm no good at growing these. They always die :o( I hope you can get them to flower.

15 Apr, 2012


Using highly chlorinated water can diminish flowering and they need at least 8 hours of darkness in every 24 hours in order to bloom.

15 Apr, 2012


They look very healthy plants, sometimes that happens and they make more leaves at the expense of flowers. A little trick I do with these is to remove a few of the leaves in the centre of the plant. You should make way for some new flower buds to appear. It always works for me, hope you have some luck too.

24 Apr, 2012


Thanks Hywel for the good wishes! And I can never grow cacti. They turn to mush! While yours are just beautiful!
Drc726, they get a lot of darkness, window shades are mostly kept closed, because the windows are old and let in all the heat from outside, and this being summer in Houston, that's considerable! I'll look into the water, thank you!
Poppylover99 Thank you! I will definitely try that! They are starting to bloom again, which is nice.

28 Jul, 2012

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