Cactus 3 in a pot
By Scotsgran
- 18 Apr, 2012
OH has put a strong rubber band around all three plants to give the weak one some support. Is there any reason apart from lack of water for one of the three to suddenly keel over.
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We'll have to raid the waste paper bin. They are getting so tall and unwieldy its getting harder to cope with taking them out of their pots. His Opuntia was looking a bit yellow so he put it outside one sunny day and forgot to bring it in again. Poor thing died.
18 Apr, 2012
That's strange. Many opuntias are able to endure frost.
18 Apr, 2012
Maybe they need to be hardened off before being taken from the heat in the kitchen to freezing overnight temperatures outside.
18 Apr, 2012
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This photo is of species Cactus.
This photo is of "Cactus 3 in a pot " in Scotsgran's garden
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I doubt whether lack of water would make it keel over. This type of cactus is supposed to endure drought. I don't water mine at all from Nov until March, and they always remain upright.
If it was lack of water, they would all three keel over.
Maybe something has happened to the roots - vine weevils, or rot. ?
Anyway it should not need support. The fact that it does, means something is preventing it taking up water. ... something wrong at root level probably.
18 Apr, 2012