Nectaroscordum siculum subsp. buglaricum.
By Lilcrawford

22 May, 2012
This morning Pimp and Kasy.
Thanks for the ID Kasy :)
Comments on this photo
You just watch your language, Lil Crawford!
23 May, 2012
Yo're welcome Lil. Can't wait to see it:)
Pimp -you've got too much faith in me, lol.
23 May, 2012
Lol Gattina! My apologies ;))
23 May, 2012
Lil it says your account is deleted if you see this please talk to me if you wish xxx
1 Aug, 2012
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Kasy...You have a massive plant brain ;))
Get ready because I have found the smallest plant in the world so small no one has ever noticed it...or knows it's name. Well maybe you and Hywel, I will post it tomorrow. Haa Haaaa you will never get it.
22 May, 2012