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Toffee 'supervising'

Toffee 'supervising'

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We have a ginger cat too! This one looks like a real character.

28 May, 2012


Why so stern, Toffee? You look just like my Charlie.

28 May, 2012


He's a funny cat not very friendly, doesn't sit on your knee at all, very stand offish, he was a rescue though so don't know what happened to him before he came to us

29 May, 2012


Mine was a rescue too. He had lived in a 4th floor flat as a kitten and managed to fall off the balcony! Broke a back leg and dislocated the other....owners took him to the Blue Cross hospital and to cut a long story short he was rehomed with us! He is now called Sandy and lives the life of Riley in the forest and our large back garden, only coming in for food and a kip!!

29 May, 2012


Give him time, I think with some cats it takes years. My Kafka was like that. He came from the shelter, FIV positive, ears all deformed & bitten up. Clearly he'd been in a lot of fights. But he wasn't feral, we could tell he'd had some human contact but he was standoffish and never purred and never meowed. After he'd been at the shelter forever we knew he was going to be put down so I took him home, where he behaved the same way. Until one morning he came up to me, rubbed and weaved around my ankles and made the sweetest little cry. He's been a lap cat ever since.

29 May, 2012


Toffee is like that Pam only comes in for food although in winter he does sleep in his bed, never mind we still love him!

29 May, 2012


Wouldn't be without him!:))

30 May, 2012


He's lovely. You often don't know with rescues do you? We have 3; one's epileptic, his brother is just neurotic/paranoid and the other (unrelated) is a real character and true Alpha male - we love them all.

29 Jul, 2012

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