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Red hot poker

Red hot poker (Kniphofia caulescens (Red hot poker))

never saw these till today, they are in the front garden so i don't see them that oftern...

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very nice indeed S/L

29 May, 2012


Your as bad as me i never look at whats in my front garden, i always keep it clean and tidy, but i'm not a front garden person at all.

29 May, 2012


Well that's a damn shame Surreylad - they're stunning - but then again I have gorgeous foxgloves in mine as show offs - everyone sees them but myself

29 May, 2012


Thanks Yorkshire :-)
I'm not a front person, i mow the lawn and like you keep it tidy, but that's it :-)
Cheers Paul, Lol i think we're all like it really, i do like foxgloves they make a nice show...

29 May, 2012


looking good,S.lad,I've never grown these..what's with you lot,not enjoying your front gardens? ..I know most of us prefer the privacy of the back ones,but I like to see mine as I walk up the road...although,I must admit I don't really spend a lot of time there..

29 May, 2012


Thanks Bloomer, normally when i come in the front gate i'm to tired to appreciate it, it was my daughter that said what's that which made me look... :-))

29 May, 2012


I love these, SL...but they're too hard to control here...

...and my garden's all front...that's why I've got so many!

30 May, 2012


yes they can get out of control,, lol my fronts full of shrubs and buddleja's to make a screen...

30 May, 2012


Lol...I should be about ten year's time... ;)

30 May, 2012

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