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Too darn hot!

Too darn hot!

Now what sort of birds are these???

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the type that has a long beak??
very good melchi!!

1 Jun, 2012


Thanks! I should rearrange the foliage to look like bodies!

1 Jun, 2012


that would be fun!!

1 Jun, 2012


Yeah!!! ;-) But I watered them an hour ago, and they've straightened up!

1 Jun, 2012



1 Jun, 2012


Beautiful combination. I know these flowers, but do not know their name. What is their name?

2 Jun, 2012


They are lupins, Katarina. I planted them last year and they have put on a lot of growth. I have some others as well, but this is the biggest plant.

2 Jun, 2012


I see....Thank you.

2 Jun, 2012


Swans with pick

7 Jun, 2012


I am just curious, Melchisedek - are there lupins which grow just one season and which grow each year? How do I recognize them?

7 Jun, 2012


I think they are herbaceous perennials, Katarina. They die down completely over winter and then regrow in the spring. The biggest problem is that slugs and snails can eat the shoots as they grow, and then they are lost. They can be grown from seed, but I bought these as container-grown plants. You can recognise them by the umbrella-shaped leaves. They come in various colours and the flowers last quite a long time.

8 Jun, 2012


Lupins grow easily from seed Katarina. Each of those little pea like flowers grows in to a seed filled pod just like an edible pea. They are herbaceous perennials as Mel has said so will reurn each year.

5 Jul, 2012

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