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Spring in Viburnum

Spring in Viburnum (Viburnum trilobum (Highbush Viburnum))

Spring up in the viburnum is going well, growing back strong dispite a bitter winter. If only the higher shoots had survived the moose graze. The bottom shoot are now thick and growing fast up a long dead looking trunk......a well. These are to be left to go naturally into a division from the road.

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I miss the viburnums I had in the other garden.. a friend up the road has a trilobum. maybe I can beg a cutting.
My fav..was the arrowwood. They will make a lovely screen...and produce some pretty white blossom for you.

6 Jul, 2012


Thank you Lori. I do love these, but I've discovered they are a little tender here. This is trilobum and it is just spreading sideways, all new growth so not a bloom to be seen yet. (It was in bloom when I purchased it). This year a moose grazed the top foot or two. :-) Most you can get here are dwarfs and bushes, seldom a nice tall viburnum, unless you live high on a hill. Maybe my next place will be that. I am having to uproot myself.

6 Jul, 2012


Oh no... sorry to hear that. I know how hard it is to move a garden. Hope all goes well with no setbacks. Change is good. :-)

9 Jul, 2012


Thank you. I keep thinking that all will be grand, but I still worry a bit too. I'm glad I can divide things so I'm not leaving a garden full of holes behind, even knowing it will probably be grown over in just a year or two. The owners are selling, so the next person will have nothing but neighbor stories for how things are in summer here.

12 Jul, 2012

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