Gutter salad leaves
By Willinilli

26 Jun, 2012
Comments on this photo
Ah, Well if mine grow Bloomer, you can come & have lunch with me :-)
27 Jun, 2012
Stop rambling Bloomer!
That should be fine for salad..Time will tell. 0)
27 Jun, 2012
brilliant! let us know how you get on, please
27 Jun, 2012
Ah poor Bloomer, she was only trying to help Pimp, Lol.
I will let you all know if I get a meal out of them.
I had to give it a try, B & Q were selling off these lenghts of guttering for £2.
27 Jun, 2012
It's ok,Willi..water off a duck's back ! :o)...I can so easily pretend he isn't there ! Lol....thanks for the offer,you are so kind...lunch would be lovely...:o)
27 Jun, 2012
She can only pretend when she's asleep...that's quite a good portion of the day, so by tomorrow it's all new.. :0)
I just noticed my smiley^ above has no eyes :\
27 Jun, 2012
Now now you two, the salad leaves will grow, the sun will shine & you two can both come to lunch & all will be good with the world, Lol.
Probably had no eyes Pimp cos you were asleep! Lol.
27 Jun, 2012
How did I know you would appear,as if by magic ,Pimms ? You have eyes in the back of your head..that's why they aren't showing on your smiley....looks better that way ! Lol.
27 Jun, 2012
Lol,Willi..I have had some meals off them,but not as many as must be all the wet I have to sit next to him? he might nick stuff off my plate !
27 Jun, 2012
Nah Bloomer, I'll sit between you & I have a naughty chair if he plays up, Lol.
27 Jun, 2012
Lol....a naughty chair ;)
27 Jun, 2012
No Pimp, It is a little pink wooden chair, not one hanging from the cieling with leg slings!!! Lol.
27 Jun, 2012
The mind is working overtime on that one,Willi,Lol...have you got a naughty step? I might be the one using that :o)
27 Jun, 2012
No but I have 2 sheds & I think your be in one & pimp in the other! Lol.
27 Jun, 2012
Don't lose the keys then Willi..could be a long day..:o)
27 Jun, 2012
lol...Wot you doing with my legs!!
I think Willi is making me into a hangin basketcase. I provide this service Mid summer only!!!!
28 Jun, 2012 girls certainly do have our Pimp all pumped up. I think he's actually squealing with excitement! ;))))
Please post pics.
28 Jun, 2012
Oh dear, can you imagine it Lil, Pimp in the "Naughty Swing" with a rose between his teeth, PMSL :-))))))
28 Jun, 2012
The scary thing is, yes I can Willi....LOL
28 Jun, 2012
He seems to have gone quiet this morning Willi.....wonder if he's out shopping for a special outfit? ;)))
28 Jun, 2012
Lol.... this was an innocent picture of salad..and it is now a fetish thread !!
How does that happen
28 Jun, 2012
Do I see leather peeking out of that shopping bag??
28 Jun, 2012
PVC,I think Lil..Lol. .good morning Pimms ... :o)
28 Jun, 2012
LOL.....nah, only the best for our Pimp ;)
28 Jun, 2012
Morning All...
Lol Bloomer I remember in the 1970's my Mum wanted a leather corner unit and my Dad bought her a 'leatherette' one.
Lil' Pim only wore shorts back then and in the summer I'd end up stuck to the bloody thing....
28 Jun, 2012
I remember that furniture well, Mother in law had one..revolting things,weren't they ? not only did you get stuck,you used to slide off the damned thing ...and the 'head rests' gave you whiplash..they were so far forward and solid ! Needless to say,none of us ever nodded off...:o)
28 Jun, 2012
Sorry pips, been feeding the garden. I want them salad leaves to get growing fast, dont want pimp sweating in his leatherette while his waiting for lunch, Lol.
We had one of them suites, ours was leather, but you still stuck to the b__ger!
Do you remember when you use to go back out to play in your shorts after lunch & you had been sitting on a kitchen stool, all your friends? would laugh & say you'd been sitting on the toilet, LOL.
28 Jun, 2012
What happy memories you have of your childhood,Willi ! LOl :o)
28 Jun, 2012
28 Jun, 2012
I was a strange child, Lol.
28 Jun, 2012
Well,whatever made you happy,Willi..! :o))
28 Jun, 2012
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I did mine like this,the past couple of years,Willi..but my guttering wasn't really deep enough. fine for starting them off,but had to transplant did them in shallow pots this year..2nd lot didn't even germinate..and first ones not brilliant be honest,I think the seed was no longer viable,as I have had it ages...had no problems before,or could be the weather ..anyway,they are rubbish ! :o)
27 Jun, 2012