Shady corner and new fence
By Malverntrev

29 Jun, 2012
This corner of the garden gets very little sun. The fence was renewed last year (joint project with Geoff my neighbour). We replaced the old panels with half-inch boards slotted between the existing standard concrete posts (uprighting them was the hardest job). We put concrete base panels in to keep the wood off the ground. Boards are much better than panels as trellis, wires, etc can be fixed anywhere and it will not warp over time. A coat of Cupronol and some planting. Right in the corner is a large-leaved ivy, a holly bush, a catonaster and a vigourously-clipped leyandii. The all-year-round colour is provided by the euonymus bush, which is several years old now. I'm a big fan of the euonymus because it can be easily shaped to fit any space and looks good all winter. The idea is to grow the periwinkle up the fence via supports and let it scramble over the other plants.
Comments on this photo
I think so. We have another patch around the back of the garage and it seems fine. Always more colour on the top layer of leaves and it can look a bit green after clipping, but the yellow does come back.
2 Jul, 2012
well thats very good news, thank you!!
2 Jul, 2012
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i hadnt realised you can still get that colour on the euonymus even in the shade?
29 Jun, 2012