growing in my frends grass .. wot is it .. prev pic enlarge .
By Cristina

4 Jul, 2012
Comments on this photo
It's really pretty
4 Jul, 2012
It's hard to tell, even from the close-up, but I think it may be called "Self-heal", Cristina. I'm sure someone will correct me in a minute!
8 Jul, 2012
You're dead right Gattina. It's Prunella vulgaris (Selfheal), a herb/wildflower commonly found in lawns and grass verges etc. :-)
9 Jul, 2012
think i have this to cristina, its pretty, i love the clover i have to, the bees love this sort of plant :o))
9 Jul, 2012
I've got this in my grass too cristina, hope someone knows! :0)
4 Jul, 2012