Rose labled 'Walk Tall'
By Pottysheila

4 Jul, 2012
A beautiful floribunda with a sweet scent, soft yellow bud opening to a white flower, I can't find it anywhere on the www. Was it named incorrectly? Does anyone recognise it and have details of any preferences it has besides general rose parameters?
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The nearest to it that I know of is Arthur Bell, a wonderful, sweetly fragrant floribunda. The buds start out deep golden yellow - much like yours - sometimes with a hint of red, and fade progressively as they open to a very pale cream, almost white.
It is a very floriferous bush; the blooms are slightly globular and a tad on the small side - compared say to a hybrid tea anyway.
The bush has a vigorous upright habit, all the branches competing closely with one another, seemingly not allowing themselves sufficient space. In my garden it grew to a height of around four feet.
I no longer grow it because it became susceptible to blackspot and I got out of the habit of spraying it.
5 Jul, 2012