Paul, it is your turn!
By Katarina
- 20 Jul, 2012
Please, what is the name of these clouds formation?
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And what does it mean for us?
20 Jul, 2012
looks not too bad for you :))))))))
20 Jul, 2012
It predicts a very strong wind, I have read.
21 Jul, 2012
And there are subtypes:
cirrocumulus undulatus
cirrocumulus castellanus
cirrocumulus flocctus
and cirrocumulus stratiformis
21 Jul, 2012
it can suggest cold fronts - and thunderstorms in summer - the saying which can't remember is something like carrying tall sails lol castellanus
cumulus - like castles turrets are signs of storms , I haven't read up on weather for ages
21 Jul, 2012
great you are reading up on it
21 Jul, 2012
I like to read on nature :)
21 Jul, 2012
very nice :-)
21 Jul, 2012
21 Jul, 2012
and you know a lot of good stuff too Katarina - I would love to get back to the weather stuff again
21 Jul, 2012
I thought you are doing something like that---meteorology?
21 Jul, 2012
used to study a lot - but hardly read nowadays
21 Jul, 2012
So you are self made man in meteorology? Then you know a lot. You shoud try to do it as a job!
21 Jul, 2012
thanks Kat - yes learnt a fair bit from good books :)))
21 Jul, 2012
English textbooks are very logical and easy to read and I also liked to learn more from English medical books then from ours, lol. Ours have had a lot of introductions, but less facts :)) Well, who knows? Maybe you will change a job...
21 Jul, 2012
DK books are very good Kat :))))
21 Jul, 2012
What does mean that short -DK?
22 Jul, 2012
just the Author Kat - writes very good books :-)
22 Jul, 2012
OK. So tell me the full name. DK could be also Denmark, Dear Kat, etc. :)))
22 Jul, 2012
Dorling Kindersley :))
22 Jul, 2012
Nah. Now I am lost. Have no idea who is he/she.
22 Jul, 2012
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love it Kat - looks like cirrocumulus - mackerel sky :)))
20 Jul, 2012