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Honesty (Lunaria)

Honesty (Lunaria)

This is the biennial form. I love the colours of the seed pods.

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Beautiful! I remember my sister growing this years ago, but the seed pods were white. I like the pink better.

24 Jul, 2012


Thank you! I have had Honesty for years, but I've never seen pink seedpods before. But this is the first time I have had the biennial plant (which arrived of its own accord!) so I wonder if that's why.

24 Jul, 2012


My seed pods too are (or were) pink, shading even onto mauve. Quite dramatic! We are obviously a little further on in the season here than you, since they have now turned transparent and dry. I think mine is the biennial one, also. (Country people here call it 'the Pope's Money' - which seems morally a slightly more ambiguous name than 'Honesty'!)

27 Jul, 2012


I haven't had quite enought sun to dry them out yet! I have always wondered about the derivation of the name. I am hoping I will now enjoy this plant each year, as i prefer it to the annual.

27 Jul, 2012

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