Early days after Cats Protection "rescue"
By Paulderby

29 Jul, 2012
Floyd - Originally named Bertie by previous owners - was left with the Cats Protection League as they lived on a main road and were afraid to let him out of the house. When we visited with one of our grandsons, after losing our previous cat (and deciding that we wouldn't have another), Floyd rubbed against the glass of his enclosure and we had to have a closer look. He was cute and very friendly so we had to take him on :-) Renamed Floyd, after the boxer "Pretty Boy" Floyd he has taken over the house and garden and had to erect a wire fence around the pond to stop him falling in - he's quite clumsy!
Comments on this photo
Some cats like to swim. I have one black cat and she is almost every day wet - she sometimes hunts rats and ducks in the water or the bank.
29 Jul, 2012
He is precious!!! I can tell that he has personality to spare (but then all cats do!).
29 Jul, 2012