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Strange coloured snail I found today!


By Pixi25

Strange coloured snail I found today!

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Seen enough of them Pixi..His shell is cracked, has next door thrown him over.

6 Aug, 2012


Probably I think we throw them back and forwards lol
He went in the wheely bin this time!

6 Aug, 2012


Best place for him, but you should have stamped on him first! lol

6 Aug, 2012


lol lovely fun for the snail :D

6 Aug, 2012


I put one in the green bin & everytime I open the lid he's there on the lid. Lol

6 Aug, 2012


I put mine in the brown bin ( that's for garden rubbish here), then at least they have stuff to munch on before they get taken to wherever they take them! And yes, they do seem to be clinging to the lid whenever it's opened!

6 Aug, 2012


They know that the lid is the way out!! lol

6 Aug, 2012


Same here TB..but i put them in jars first..cause they can sneak out!

6 Aug, 2012


Thought our Garden Rubbish was for the Green Bin Tuesdaybear.... I will end up getting fined.

6 Aug, 2012


We have brown for garden rubbish, blue for paper and cardboard and grey for everything else, but apparantly they are changing it yet again..we will prolly end up with about 6bins! Where to put them all! grrr

6 Aug, 2012


They get on my nerves Pixi

6 Aug, 2012


Yep me too! grrr Mine are down the close betweenfatboy next door and me and I put a gate on the end of it to stop people and animals coming down it. But when all the new ones come out, I dont know where they will all go! Horrid things..msut be antoher way to do all this!

6 Aug, 2012


My son and his wife have a snail family,Pixi.They live in the flower pots by their back door.They have eaten all the plants,now they feed them lettuce. Lol.

31 Aug, 2012



31 Aug, 2012


That is an unusual one Pixi. There are so many slugs and snails about this year after the damp weather...the little beasts ...chomping everything in our!!

27 Sep, 2012

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