IMG 0986
By Teddyflo

8 Aug, 2012
Comments on this photo
could you also shed any light on the tree on the right its the only survivor from the previous owner. Its just about to flower any they are purple flowers. Do you also think i have the other plants in roughly the right spots before i finally plant them and could you suggest anymore plants to fill the gaps.
9 Aug, 2012
Sorry afraid I cannot see the tree enough to see what it is.
Most Acers need to out of strong winds, with some light shade and grow best in acid to neutral soil. Although you have it near a fence it still could be quite exposed there from wind and or sun depending on the way the garden faces? Have you considered growing it in a large pot to begin with so you can move it around till you find where it is happiest?
Those lilies might be nice in a bed under the conservatory window so that you can see them close up.
Across the back fence flowering shrubs would do well such a Buddleia, Weigela, and a Photinia 'red robin' would look good in the corner against the green of that existing tree. under the window you could have an annual and perennial bed for summer colour interest.
When planting you need to consider your soil type, light and moisture, and child friendly such as no thorns? Gardeners always make mistakes so its best to go slowly and look at what is grown in your neighbourhood as it likely to grow in yours.
9 Aug, 2012
This looks good, you asked about a fruit tree you have certainly got room for a dwarf fruit tree here but you would need to think about which one re pollinating?
9 Aug, 2012