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So why do we all love our Gentians? Every single one of them from the spectacular species to the small-flowered rather easily overlooked obscure meadow-dweller is of exquisite beauty. Hailing from Eurasia, North and South America, New Guinea, New Zealand and Africa they are a pretty cosmopolitan bunch and come in many shades of blue, white, yellow, and red. From tiny creeping grassy herbs to tall spectacular back-of-the-border perennials. Some indeed can be a pest in any garden while others defy the best efforts of the most skilled of gardeners and simply refuse to grow away from their natural habitat. This is a snap of a single blossom in a pot of some common, vigorous nameless hybrid sold in a garden center. I could not resist it. Will it grow well on my windowsill? I don’t think so but I have to try. If you are not already a totally committed fan of these treasures then see:- Gentians - by Mary Bartlett and please don’t say that you had not been warned.

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