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Local fisheries opened the fishing season

Local fisheries opened the fishing season

Lots of commercial fishers out there. Oh, how I "hate" it. Leave my fish alone! Bone heads! This is the first time I have noticed so many with big nets and am observing some wars out there (with binoculars.) They will clean that bay completely. I do not know how long the fishing season is. Hopefully not for long. Today is the 3 rd day.

Usually, this bay is peaceful with just a few sailboats on.

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It's a wonderful view though :o)

8 Nov, 2012


Im with you regards over-fishing K. Without knowing what they are fishing for I always fear that large nets are indescriminate, gathering everything up without mercy.
What a place to paddle though !
btw: my family just returned from Toronto & had a brilliant time.

8 Nov, 2012


What a wonderful view and place, yes I don't like it either when they over fish, even though that is my main diet, mackerel for my osteoarthritis.

8 Nov, 2012


The view is very nice Hywel, but the commercial fishers I could do without.

I think they fish for Salmon Bampy. Toronto is a place with lots of action. Very different from a place we live.
Glad to hear that your family had a good time there.
Canada is a good place to live. (excluding the winter weather for some of us)

I am a fish (and seafood) eater too Sixpence. I am just selfish and do not want to see them in "my" bay :-)

8 Nov, 2012


We share our planet, right? We blame birds of prey to invade domestic animals in municipalities and we should blame us because of deforestation and handling them wrongly in captivity.
We need food, that´s for sure, but as you said, there is more commerce in it and competition who sells more makes more money, then what are real needs. I agree with you, absolutely.

9 Nov, 2012


I understand how you feel, I would be the same too Klahanie

Yes Katarina the big super markets have become so greedy buy one get one free, which only aims at the rich, who can afford to buy like it, some times I have too but not a lot as I depend upon my family to take me shopping and I fit in when they have spare time. I don't agree with the packaging which causes so many land fills either, there is no need for it, we did nt have it years ago so why now.

9 Nov, 2012


Hello Sixpence, do not worry, every thing has its reason. It isn´t so healthy to eat so much fish anyways these days. Fish meat is monitored by some soc and health organizations and couple fo years ago fish meat was restricted for pregnant women too. Unfortunately, fish often migrate and ocean is the one and is also polluted and contaminated. Some sort of popular fish, like tuna, live in depths where there are preserved many contaminants like lead, mercury and cadmium. Most dangerous are dioxins. As far as I remember, the healthiest fish were from artifical reservoirs, although even in them were found traces of pollutants.
I think your country has one of the best control system, so doesn´t allow too much contaminated fish to enter shops. But one can hardly imagine, then they will control all fish.
Sharks and whale have the "safest" food, as they live in big depths. However, I wish them long life :)

10 Nov, 2012


I know north American fish is nt safe neither is north sea fish are safe to eat.

11 Nov, 2012


Sixpence@That´s relative. Sea has no borders.

11 Nov, 2012


Yes I know they don't :o))

11 Nov, 2012

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