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Aji Cristal Capsicum: Baccatum

Aji Cristal  Capsicum:  Baccatum  (Capsicum baccatum)

Aji Cristal
Capsicum: Baccatum
Origin: Curico, Chile
PI: 281320
Scoville units: 30,000-50,000
Blossom end shape: pointed
Fruit position and shape: pendant, elongate
Fruit size and color: 3"-4"L green > yellow
Calyx shape: cup shaped, 5 small teeth
Flower: erect, rotate, small
Petals/Spots: white/ green or yellow
Filament color: white
Anther color: yellow
Habit: bush
Stem: smooth
Leaves: medium
Germ. Time: 2 wk. > 2 mo.
Maturity: 80 days
Plant height: 18"-24"
Taste: .citrus like
Uses: .condiment, garnish, salsa
Pods have a citrus like flavor and many say they are best eaten when immature. Excellent for making salsa.
Plant growth habit is large and branching and may need staking from over load.  Aromatic and flavorful, especially when not fully ripe. Almost a "sweet grapefruit" like flavor. Fruity heat and crisp medium flesh makes this pod perfect for fresh consumption, most flavorful when green, an unusual trait for this species.
Credits & Sources: thechileman Aji Cristal peppermania

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