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Capsicum Rhomboideum

Capsicum Rhomboideum (Capsicum Rhomboideum)

Capsicum Rhomboideum
Capsicum: Rhomboideum
Origin: Southern Mexico to Northern Peru
PI: 645680
Scoville units: 0
Blossom end shape: blunt
Fruit position and shape: pendant or erect
Fruit size and color: red, depressed, pea size
Calyx shape: 5 long teeth
Flower: bell shape
Petal/Spots: yellow/none
Filament color: white
Anther color:
Habit: small compact bush
Stem: smooth
Leaves: pubescent, roundish shape
Germ. Time: 1 wk > 2 mo.
Maturity: 80 days
Plant height: 24-36"
A very exotic and rare wild pepper bearing tiny, pea size red fruits without heat. This species is noteworthy as one of the remaining primitive wild peppers, an almost living fossil and part of a group of possible for-bearers of the more common domesticated species.

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