Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
By Klahanie

8 Dec, 2012
Came for a visit today.
Comments on this photo
Hello Bloomer, we are in Arizona at present.
Thrashers are exuberant singers, they have the largest vocal repertoire of any North American songbird. The tree he is sitting in is a Ironwood(Olneya tesota)Te direct sinshine made it look silver but it is grey. Ironwood tree is very common around here in Sonoran desert.
8 Dec, 2012
That must sound lovely,and thanks for the name of the tree.Anoyher one I've never heard seem to be having a lovely time..and sunshine! It's very cold here with snow in parts..and forecast to be even colder next week !
8 Dec, 2012
Sunshine is the key, Bloomer. We go south with the birds.
I went for a swim today instead of bundling up .... if we would stay up north.
Merry Christmas.
9 Dec, 2012
Lucky you..nice to be able to escape the winter..and a Merry Christmas to you and yours too...
9 Dec, 2012
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Great shot,Klahanie..I've never heard of this that a Silver Birch tree? Lovely bark ..:o)
8 Dec, 2012