When there is no sun outside, you can make your own...
By Katarina

11 Feb, 2013
Comments on this photo
oh, a nice one! how did you do that Katarina?
P.S. no sun in the weather forecast till Thursday here... but they usually are getting it wrong ;-) (hope it will be sooner;)
11 Feb, 2013
Sticki@yes, I have coffee machine, one for espresso and capuccino and one for filtered coffee (which is the healthiest coffee, as studies showed). But this one I had at Coffee and Co.
11 Feb, 2013
Kassy@this "sun" effect was done by cinnamon powder.
11 Feb, 2013
I think you would need the machine to make the milk frothy enough to hold the pattern?
its very good.
11 Feb, 2013
Yes, I do it with machine, which has separate pipe for making milk for capuccino.
11 Feb, 2013
very smart!
11 Feb, 2013
But to be honest, I do not make coffee at home so often. Only filtered coffee in the morning. And you? Do you drink coffee or tea?
11 Feb, 2013
both! and occasionally hot chocolate and sometimes herbal tea ~ i currently have liquorice!
i dont have a coffee machine though
11 Feb, 2013
Be careful, Sticki. Liquorice is very often added to British teas, as I noticed in Marks and Spencer. But it can cause retention of fluids and thus worsen hypertension. It is not so innocent...I love thyme tea, from herbs I sometimes pick by myself in June. They are aromatic and very good with honey. From coffees I use at home Lavazza (Italian one) and then different sorts of Columbia coffee, that one is really very good and strong. I am not fond of hot chocolate.
11 Feb, 2013
oh, ok, thanks kat ~ i only have one a day at most ~ and its because i like the taste
11 Feb, 2013
I am sorry to spoil that good taste :) I am just physician by original profession :)
11 Feb, 2013
Does that mean physicians dont like chocolate either?
11 Feb, 2013
No, I mean I always see food stuff as a health related product. I drank hot chocolate all my youth, evening by evening, I cannot see it so often anymore.
11 Feb, 2013
some hot chocolate is really good ~ some is just flavouring!
i think i only had water as a child!
11 Feb, 2013
No, we drank real Dutch hot cocoa. Nowadays they sell chemical thick and very sweet substance.
11 Feb, 2013
real dutch ~ i bet that was good,
we used to have lovely dutch chocolates ~ they were in the shape, almost of coins? ~ a disk with a raised edge
11 Feb, 2013
We had them, too!!! :) It was milk chocolate!
11 Feb, 2013
it was, i forget the name
i like plain chocolate best though [but i dont eat very much of it]
11 Feb, 2013
I loved special sort of milk (made from egg white, vanilla and milk) which we called "birds´ milk" and my grandmother used to make it. It had large, prominent fluffies of mousse floating on it. It was the best dessert in the world, nothing compared to that...
11 Feb, 2013
oh is that floating islands?
11 Feb, 2013
Love it.........
11 Feb, 2013
Floating islands?
11 Feb, 2013
its a pudding ~ sounds like what you were describing?
11 Feb, 2013
Yes, so what we call "birds´s milk" is "floating islands" in English:)) Fatastic dessert, isn´t it? I didn´t eat it for years.........................
11 Feb, 2013
i have never made it but it comes highly recommended on tv cookery programs ~ i might have a go!
11 Feb, 2013
Will you invite me on Sunday afternoon? ;-)
11 Feb, 2013
If i make it then of course! but it wont be this sunday!
11 Feb, 2013
Next then? ;-)
11 Feb, 2013
I just wonder now, what Milky loves: if my cup of coffee or floating islands? :)
11 Feb, 2013
could be........?
Milky should love a milky drink?
11 Feb, 2013
12 Feb, 2013
That one will be easy for you to taste it Sticki. I mean the 'bird's milk. It's available here in Polish stores. Can get you one, lol.
12 Feb, 2013
thanks kasy, i might try making it ??
12 Feb, 2013
nice katarina,
12 Feb, 2013
that would be nice. :)
I've checked the images - that's something different from what Katarina was saying. let me see if I can find you some
12 Feb, 2013
here it is how it looks like:
12 Feb, 2013
sorry kasy, i cant make the link work
do you mean like this:
12 Feb, 2013
grrr - those links are horrible...
just google: ptasie mleczko e.wedel and go to images.
12 Feb, 2013
it looks like a chocolate bar with a frothy light centre?
12 Feb, 2013
I think it is the good way to describe it;) and the taste is just heavenly. Probably you wouldn't expect something like that from something looking so simple, lol.
12 Feb, 2013
sounds very good ~ i was expecting a drink??
12 Feb, 2013
haha - I know:) by the sound of it:)
12 Feb, 2013
It is interesting, Kasy, that you have a different dessert under the very same name as we have. But-in Slovakia "birds´milk" means exactly what Sticki said. And here you have receipt by photo and by word. Hope, the link will work:
12 Feb, 2013
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that has gone in my favourites ~ it will make me smile everytime i see it! BRILLIANT kat!
do you have a coffee machine?
11 Feb, 2013