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Rosa 'Arthur Bell' ☼full sun ❅hardy ★award

Rosa 'Arthur Bell' ☼full sun ❅hardy ★award (Rosa bell Arthur)

Preferred common namerose 'Arthur Bell'

Rosa can be deciduous or semi-evergreen shrubs or scrambling climbers, with usually thorny stems bearing pinnate leaves and solitary or clustered, 5-petalled flowers followed by showy red or purple fruits

Floribunda or Cluster-flowered bush roses are bushy, upright shrubs with dark, glossy, foliage and single or double, sometimes fragrant flowers in small or large clusters from summer to autumn

'Arthur Bell' is a small shrub of upright, bushy growth, with glossy bright green foliage and clusters of fragrant, cupped, double flowers 8cm in width, opening bright yellow, ageing to creamy-yellow

Suppliers listed in RHS Plant Finder

Award of Garden Merit
How to growSunlight
Full sun Aspect
East-facing, South-facing or West-facing
Sheltered or Exposed
Easy to grow neat and upright bush rose; prefers full sun
Well-drained or Moist but well-drained
Acid, Alkaline or Neutral
Clay, Loam, Sand or Chalk
Propagate by hardwood cuttings in autumn or by budding in summer

Suggested planting locations and garden types
City/Courtyard Gardens, Cottage/Informal Garden, Flower borders and beds or Cut Flowers

How to carePruning
Pruning group 16 (roses)

Aphids, leafhoppers, glasshouse red spider mite, scale insects, caterpillars and rose leaf-rolling sawfly may be a problem. Rabbits and deer can cause damage
May be affected by black spot, rose rust and powdery mildews
CharacteristicsPlant type
Rose or Shrub



H4 (hardy)
Cream and Yellow in Autumn and Summer

Green in Autumn, Spring and Summer

SizeUltimate height
0.5-1 metres

Ultimate spread
0.5-1 metres

Time to ultimate height
5-10 years

Comments on this photo


Wow! I love this color, here in our country this means BRAVERY:-))))

15 Feb, 2013


Thank you Junna - hope we have it as nice this year :)

15 Feb, 2013


A burst of sunshine :o)) Just what's needed today :o)

15 Feb, 2013


yes Hywel - weather at last nice here - although looked at pressure maps - more easterly winds coming - we here are in for more snow - so bang goes my bulbs now :(

15 Feb, 2013


More snow ! :o((( I hope not.

15 Feb, 2013


if pressure patterns go as they look - next weekend 23rd- 24th Feb could be quite bad for eastern parts - cold for all - paid to get a run of the pressure systems for 12 days - they'd better be right lol - or maybe be best if they move on this occasion

15 Feb, 2013


Love the colour Paul.Looks perfect.

15 Feb, 2013


Thank you Suey :))))

15 Feb, 2013


Well I hope it won't be too bad for you Paul ...

15 Feb, 2013


Hopefully Hywel - at least we are into Mid Feb now - and it was so nice being out in garden in light at 5PM :)))))

16 Feb, 2013


Yes ... I feel better now the days are longer. I wish they'd put the clocks forward now, instead of lingering until April. It's light enough in the mornings aswell now.

16 Feb, 2013


beautiful colour, i love roses:-)

16 Feb, 2013


indeed Hywel - I wish they'd move the clock an hour now then just leave them be - why they feel they have to move time back in winter to shorten nights further !!

Thank you SB :)))

16 Feb, 2013


I agree with you Paul ...

16 Feb, 2013



16 Feb, 2013



18 Feb, 2013


Thank you very much - with a sherbert smell too - hope it does okay this year

19 Feb, 2013


Such a beautiful colour, I love roses!

19 Feb, 2013


Thanks Louisa - smells lovely this one :)

19 Feb, 2013

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