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Chicken Creeper

Chicken Creeper

The title is the translation of the Portuguese common name, Trepadeira de Galinha. Chickens love this, which is good since it is so invasive. It turns the yolks a strong yellow.

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I remember, that my grandmother used to cut it and mix it with boiled egg, which was cut into small pieces. She fed young chicks and ducks with it,

19 Mar, 2013


Around here, we just toss it into the coop and they go crazy eating it.

20 Mar, 2013


It looks a bit like chick-weed , which is quite invasive here , it smells if fresh peas . It can have that white flower ; we used to pick it in the winter in Germany for the guinea-pigs , it used to grow well through the snow . The little animals loved it .

20 Mar, 2013


It is Tradescantia fluminensis (Wandering Jew). We also have T. zebrina. It stays very healthy and green all year long. It breaks very easily, so it is hard to get every bit that has a root.

20 Mar, 2013

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