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A garden flower photo

All that's left of our purple sand cherry... the bunnies are doing such a number on it :(
I've given my guy the go-ahead to cut off the lower branches of our evergreens, which is where the bunnies hide. Such a shame

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OH DEAR! What have they done! Poor shrub.

5 Jul, 2008


I have wild rabbits eating certain shrubs in my garden too, I have been watching, to see what they like eating and not like, I noticed they like biting off twiggy shrubs, that are still small, once big, they do not bother them again, therefore while still small, I surround them with chicken wire.
Which works very well, once a fair size, I remove the wire, and the rabbits leave them alone.

6 Jul, 2008


Sand cherries are very popular and common in our area, so I know it must survive the rabbits somehow. Not sure I can talk my partner into the chicken wire solution for this plant.
The white stuff on the ground around the plant are eggshells. It seems to have protected that last big of foliage, but the sparrows are taking off with them, and I don't eat enough eggs to keep up.
Maybe we can get chicken wire set up under the evergreen branches to keep the bunnies out all together.
There are so many rabbits around, and they are fearless.. they don't even run if you walk your dog past them, unless you specifically try to chase them. Even then, they just take a few hops then look at you to see if you'll persue them!

6 Jul, 2008

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