There Goes The Gardener

25 Apr, 2013
Oh, there she goes, my apprentice gardener! she doesn't do too bad a job, does she? She managed the front lawn ok. Now she's off to the shops to get something for Paul the Gardener's tea! Well, I don't want her getting bored in her retirement! Sorry, EARLY retirement! ( must remember that!)
Comments on this photo
It's all becoming clear now, isn't it Amy! It's handy having a retired(sorry...early retired) wife!!!!!
25 Apr, 2013
nice work apprentice!
25 Apr, 2013
Yes, she's learning.Mind you, I did have to pop home between jobs to start the mower!
26 Apr, 2013
Love the wall with trellis panels too!
26 Apr, 2013
Had the trellis put in about 6 years ago Karen as it had fence panels in when we came here 10 years ago and it's such a windy spot!!! One January lunchtime we were sitting in the living room on a very windy day and heard an almighty crash.the piers had all come down with the fence panels.So, we had the piers rebuilt and trellis fixed to them, so as to let the wind blow through.
26 Apr, 2013
Blimey, that sounds scary! Much better with trellis!
26 Apr, 2013
Thats no good, you'll have to buy a mower thats easy to start, it looks very good......
26 Apr, 2013
Thanks .It's so much quicker with the petrol mower but Julie struggles a little with starting it!!!
26 Apr, 2013
My hubby has been on at me to get one for years but I can't be doing with that, I've used both my sons and daughters and much prefer my electric one, I find them too heavy and cumbersome for me Paul..
26 Apr, 2013
They can be ,I agree, but much quicker and very good for tough, longer, damp grass!!! Julie or I will probably use our electric cylinder mower with athe roller later in the summer when the grass is dry! it makes a better finish!
26 Apr, 2013
Apprentices & powertools? Tsssk!
Whatever were you thinking of, Paul?
Shears, man, shears, that'll keep the missus busy.
Mind you, you'd better be a good runner! ;-)
27 Apr, 2013
I'm not letting her loose with my nice sharp shears!!!!!
27 Apr, 2013
Forgot about judicious pruning. Ouch! =-O
28 Apr, 2013
Hang on to that apprentice Paul. She is worth her weight in gold. i agree about the trellis letting the wind through so much more sensible than solid panels where the wind is strong.
7 May, 2013
Yes, I think I'll keep her on!.......minimum wage, of course!
7 May, 2013
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She does a brilliant job Paul !
25 Apr, 2013