Scent of April
By Asbomick

4 May, 2013
Scent of April
The smell of sweet magnolia
Drifts through the morning air
The lingering scent of perfume
Is found most everywhere.
The lilac tree is blooming
True colour, in its prime
Its fragrance, just like heaven
Aroma, so divine.
The sun is brightly shining
A cloud cannot be found
Bright blue skies of azure
With tulips all around.
The birds are gently lilting
Their song is warm and sweet
With thoughts of home and nesting
Upon the breeze, they meet.
With grass so green and tender
A garden that’s been blessed
Daffodils are blooming
God’s beauty at its best.
~Asbo Mick~
Comments on this photo
Er !!!! Not really ...But I liked it so mush I could not resist making it my own ...Its wot Old Gits do ...LOL
PS Am I in trouble again ????
5 May, 2013
No, not at all. Just wondered.
5 May, 2013
HAHA I am realived ...I do tend to "Sail close to the wind" as the Admin lady at the Macmillian Charity Site told me in no uncertain teams.. He ho... on we go .
6 May, 2013
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Gardening with friends since
19 Feb, 2013
Did you write that poem Mick?
5 May, 2013