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Clematis 'Lunar Lass'


By Pcw

Clematis 'Lunar Lass' (Clematis 'Lunar Lass')

With thanks to SG

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Mine has opened today. It is looking very pretty with those greenish flowers. I saw a Clematis named 'Lunar Lass' in a GC last week. It was 3' high. Do you think this needs to be cut back after flowering to make it shrubby.

9 May, 2013


I thought that these types were meant to trail or climb.I wouldn't be thinking of pruning except to remove dead or damaged foliage

9 May, 2013


I did not think it would grow so tall. Edrom says 15cms high.

9 May, 2013


Sounds right.should trail a couple of feet?

10 May, 2013


It does say it sends out runners so that should be interesting.

10 May, 2013

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This photo is of species Clematis 'Lunar Lass'.

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