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Sedum pachyclados


By Pcw

Sedum pachyclados (Sedum pachyclados)

growing in tufa

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I managed to get a bit of tufa but have not tried boring in to it yet. I went to see the new alpine house constructed from tufa at RBGE. They bored through the rock to reach the sand behind then inserted a 1" pipe/ tool full of growing medium. A smaller solid pusher was used to push the soil mix in. The plants, as small as possible, were removed from their nursery pots. The roots were washed of all compost and then inserted in to the prepared holes and firmed in. There seemed to be thousands of holes and they were working very hard in the hope of opening to the public at the end of the month. I'll be happy if I can reproduce a small garden in a fish box. Yours looks really good.

25 May, 2013


That certainly beats my digging a hole out with an old screwdriver!
This is a largish piece sitting in a trough.I have a smaller trough with 3 small pieces and a small bed.I'll photo all 3 and put them up for you.

26 May, 2013

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