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These are the first blooms ever. Strange, that the leaves appeared first so the flowers are sort of lost in the greenery.

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They do seem to vary,I have a pink one that is leaves first but a purple one flowers first,but the leaves tend to catch up.

25 May, 2013


Thanks Bjs, I do not know my wisterias very well. The previous ovner cut it completely down and it sprouted from the roots. We are here 10 years and these are first blooms.

25 May, 2013


Very nice..

25 May, 2013


Thanks Holly, I took another cutting from the root and trying to grow it in different location as well. Wish me luck, because it would look great at that place.

25 May, 2013


Ten years that took it's time to start flowering again.
First purple flowers this year show colour today but not yet open.

25 May, 2013


It should not take long then. How long do you have these plants?

25 May, 2013


It looks as though you didn't prune your Wisteria last year, Klahanie. Prune Jan- March,shortening all shoots not required for extending the branches to 1inch of base(according to my Sanders Encyclopaedia). I thought it was to 2 buds but probably amounts to the same thing. Do it every year & then the flowers won't be lost in the foliage,except if it's being allowed to grow wild, like scrambling up a tree! Hope this helps.

27 May, 2013


Thanks for your tips, Feverfew.

27 May, 2013


Good luck with your cutting.. :)))

3 Jun, 2013

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