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By Moonika


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Mehe ammu plaanitsetud purskkaevuga puhkenurga rajamine.
Alustasime 2011 aastal,kui Pärnumaale kolisin.
Nüüdseks ehk pool aianurgast korda tehtud.Puudub veel valgustus,purskkaev,oja voolamas,veel taimi,istekoht jne jne
Eks tasapisi jätkame :)

26 May, 2013


Sorry, I do not understand, but the pictures speaks for itself :))) beautiful!

26 May, 2013


Loose translation:

We wanted to build a lounge area with a fountain.
We started in 2011, when I moved to Pärnu County.
Now, needed is more lighting, a fountain, a stream flowing, more plants, seating positions, etc., etc.
I guess we will continue slowly :)

I hope it is close enough.

26 May, 2013


Tänan,Klahanie :)

27 May, 2013


You are welcome Moonika.

27 May, 2013

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