Iris Blazing Sunrise
By Tetrarch

25 Jun, 2013
This has flowered its socks off front and back gardens!
Comments on this photo
Lori you must try "Blue Butterfly (flies?)" you would love it...must post a pic. Its a Sib type.
My Rosalie Figg and Again and Again (purple one and yellow) rebloom for me. Awaiting some others. Champagne Elegance hasnt yet (apricot buff and white standards - amoena type I.Germ)
27 Jun, 2013
I saw a pic of the butterfly sib on an Fb gardening forum...and you're right it is amazing. Midnight Revelry is blooming now and so dark it's hard to get a decent pic. Will have to check on Butter and Sugar has finally sent up buds. I have noted your recommendations in my "scratch" book. Anyone reading it would think it was in it's just a long list of cryptic sounding names! ;-)
30 Jun, 2013
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This photo is of "Iris Germanica Blazing Sunrise" in Tetrarch's garden
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Making notes...have plans to expand my Iris collection. I have two which are supposed to be repeaters...fingers crossed. We had a very cold winter and a long cold spring...didn't seem to harm the plants in the transfer bed though...I've just placed five clumps of my old standard beardies...bought some pseudacorus for the stream and lost them in a surprise flood. managed to rescue three plants the rest were washed away. still waiting on butter and sugar that I planted last year...they have buds finally...but all the other sibs are nearly done!
26 Jun, 2013