One of my Mother's Day plants...Rose Therese Bugnet
By Lori

26 Jun, 2013
Comments on this photo
It's odd, Bik. I had a R. Therese Bugnet in my last was so large and covered with spines...not just thorns..that I didn't even try to lift it when it was time to move. It was dangerous to deadhead. This rose, however, is, as you observed, almost thornless. I think this may be a different has lovely flowers with a gorgeous scent...but it is not as close to the rugosa as my previous specimen. Time will tell. At present it is being consumed by beetles. I squish all I can find three or four times a day...but they are very mobile. Standing in the garden I can hear them buzzing past on their way to chew my pretty plants....they are not in the least choosy...I've found them on daisies, evening primrose, and vervain...and my precious rose. The battle continues...
28 Jun, 2013
you mean those green ones?
28 Jun, 2013
i think I have a pic that I took last year...will have to post..when I can find it!
29 Jun, 2013
ok lori
30 Jun, 2013
found it...and my brain finally started working...they are Rose Chafers... nasty little blighters...chew my lovely rose blossoms to bits. I have spray the roses with soapy water frequently to discourage soon as the foliage drys they return! I won't use insecticide so it's Squish, squish, squish. Yucky!
1 Jul, 2013
that happens every were.
1 Jul, 2013
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